- October 31, 2016 From “Never, Never, Never” to “Nice Doing Business With You”There is hope. There is hope that your negotiation can be successful. There is hope that the toughest of negotiators you have to face can come on-side. There is hope that the most intransigent, the most aggressive, the most personally abusive of counterparties can become your ally. There is...
- November 25, 2012 Negotiation Mastery in the pressQuite apart from the book reviews, I've had several articles in national newspapers or trade magazines in recent weeks so I thought it worth collating them here. More to come in the next few weeks eg, FT, Daily Mail, The Edge (magazine of the Institute of Leadership and Management)...
- November 11, 2012 Book reviews in the pressSince the book was published two months ago, there have been a number of reviews in the press and I thought I would collate them here. Fortunately, all of them have been positive, including being the Institute of Director's Book of the Month, so I'm quite happy to include...
- October 20, 2012 The most important negotiation the world has ever seenFifty years ago this week, the world found itself staring apocalypse in the face. The Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest we have ever come to all-out nuclear war and the ensuing mutually assured destruction. Remarkably, John F Kennedy had a tape recorder running 24/7 in the White House...
- October 14, 2012 BAE-EADS article in Sunday ExpressWith the BAE-EADS merger collapsing this week, the Sunday Express wanted to know my views on why it failed. Read the article by clicking on the image below: Negotiation Mastery is available from all good bookstores including Amazon, Foyles and Waterstones in the UK and Barnes and...
- October 9, 2012 Article in Entrepreneur CountryThe October issue of Entrepreneur Country magazine has a two page excerpt from my book on the nature of power. You can see it here. Or I guess you can by the book! Or you can read the attachments below.
- October 7, 2012 How to crack the BAE/EADS puzzle?Negotiations can get pretty complicated at times. The latest merger talks between defence company BAE and civil aviation giant EADS to create a European Boeing are proof of that and those complications could be causing it to come apart. Mergers are challenging enough, trying to find agreements between management...
- October 7, 2012 Sunday Express InterviewYesterday I was telephoned by Tracey Boles, the Business Editor of the Sunday Express, for my views on the latest developments in the merger discussions between BAE and EADS, specifically some of the moves by various national governments and how this will impact the deal. I've attached Tracey's article...
- September 16, 2012 Glencore, Xstrata and Tony Blair – Just exactly what did he do?Last week an $80bn merger between mining giants Glencore and Xstrata seemed to be hitting the rails until Tony Blair saved the day (well, maybe) at a very nice dinner at Claridges. Tracey Boles, the Business Editor at the Sunday Express, asked me exactly how he would have done...
- July 8, 2012 Planning to Make MiraclesHave you ever walked into a meeting and forgot to bring a key document; or walked out of one thinking, “Oh, I never asked about…”; or signed a contract then realised something had been omitted? I’m sure you’re all pretty experienced and excellent at your job, and yet it...