
  • Check Your Information…Then Double-Check!
    I’ve just come back from a great week in India - Goa, beautiful. It matches the Jungle Book picture we have in our heads, in a way that most of India does not. It was actually my 4th visit to the country. The last time I was there, I was...
  • The Secrets Of High-Performing Teams
      If your team wins, you win.  In fact, you only win if your team wins. We all work in a team. A business is even a team of teams. In team games, you only win if your team wins. Knowing this moves your focus on to achieving the team...
  • The Return on Your Investment
    A note to the business Your business is there primarily to make money. Of course, there are other reasons, but unless it makes money it simply wont stay in existence. That is the bottom line. So we realise that any project you undertake must have a positive return on its...