
  • Original promotional video
      Here is the original version of the promotional trailer for my book, Negotiation Mastery. It was great fun making, thanks to the help of all my circus friends. Ultimately, though, it doesn't work as marketing material because there's so much interesting visual stuff going on, you don't listen to...
  • Book reviews in the press
      Since the book was published two months ago, there have been a number of reviews in the press and I thought I would collate them here. Fortunately, all of them have been positive, including being the Institute of Director's Book of the Month, so I'm quite happy to include...
  • Trust but verify
    Since the book is being published this week, I thought I would post a short excerpt from the book to give you a flavour of it. Trust but verify So you find yourself in a negotiation and the guy on the other side of the table has horns, cloven feet...
  • Video trailer for book
      To give you an idea of the book, I've made a promotional trailer for it and put it on Vimeo, which you can see here (or the low-res version on Youtube here), I hope you like it. It is actually version 2. A few months back we made another...
  • The Alternative Contents Page
      Last post we had the contents page and earlier we had an executive summary. I think its worth balancing all of that practicality with some fun stuff. On the one hand, the book is exceedingly pragmatic. You will read how to negotiate like a master and you will learn...
  • Negotiation Mastery – The Contents
    So the book is now complete and sent off to the publishers. The last i dotted, the last t crossed, the last typo’d page squashed up and thrown in the bin. Earlier, I wrote a kind-of executive summary to give you a taster, and here, below is the contents page....